
Triennale Brugge 2015

Every year, five million tourists visit Bruges. What if they all decided to stay? What if a small, preserved, historic city should suddenly become a megapolis? This is the premise for the Bruges Contemporary Art and Architecture Triennial 2015.

This scenario opens up a plethora of possibilities and challenges. Would a small city be capable of coping with the dynamics of a metropolis? And conversely: could a city on a human scale contribute to a new, better form of urbanism?

Eighteen international artists went to work on this idea. They created new works that can be viewed on an art trail through the centre of Bruges. The artists pose questions and reflect on the future and potential of the city, of urbanisation, citizenship, lifestyle, community, economics, energy, space, sound and the values that guide us.

Three indoor exhibitions illustrate the concept of ‘city’ – in visions, dreams and real-life images - as a living, growing and evolving organism.

Explore the streets and canals of the city, unleash your imagination and discover a side of Bruges that you never knew existed.

The curatorial team

The artistic direction of the Triënnale Brugge 2015 (Bruges Triennale 2015) is in the hands of Till-Holger Borchert, artistic director of the Musea Brugge, and Michel Dewilde, curator of the Cultuurcentrum Brugge.


Till-Holger Borchert

Director Bruges Museums

Curator and author Till-Holger Borchert (1967, Hamburg) studied art history, literature and musicology at the University of Bonn (DE) and at Indiana University Bloomington (US). He has taught art history at the universities of Aachen (DE) and Memphis (US). He began his museological career in 1998 in Bruges with the exhibition ‘Brugge en de Renaissance. Van Memling tot Pourbus’ (Bruges and the Renaissance. From Memling to Pourbus). Many exhibitions devoted to Van Eyck, Memling and the Flemish primitives followed, both in Bruges and elsewhere.

Since 2003, Till-Holger Borchert has been curator of the Groeninge museum and at the end of 2014 he was appointed Director of Musea Brugge (Bruges museums). His recent curatorial work includes exhibitions at BOZAR (Brussels) (The Centre of Fine Arts) (Brussels), Bonnefantenmuseum (Maastricht), Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid), Frick Collection (New York) and Scuderie di Quirinale (Rome).



°1963, Ghent (BE)

Michel Dewilde studied art history at the University of Ghent, gender studies at the University of Antwerp and Postcolonial Studies at Utrecht University. After a brief period in the Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent, where he was part of the team of curators of the exhibition ‘Flemish expressionism in the European context’, Dewilde profiled himself principally as a curator of contemporary art. He interrupted his work as a cultural officer in Bruges for more than three years when he was invited by Jan Hoet to work with him on various projects in Belgium and abroad. ‘Artline 5' (2001, Borken, DE), ‘Lucebert & Cobra' (2002, SMAK Ghent & Cobra Museum Amsterdam) and ‘Aside from looking’ (2003, Watou) are examples of this collaboration.

Dewilde is a frequent freelance curator for Poëziezomer Watou, Ename Actueel, Betoverd Bos (Aalter), Be-Part (Waregem), CAB (Brussels), Recyclart (Brussels), Annie Gentils Gallery (Antwerp), Warp (Sint-Niklaas) , Azad Gallery (Tehran), Mohsen Gallery (Tehran), De Witte Zaal (Ghent) and Vrije Academie (The Hague) to mention but a few.


During the Triennial the city logo is changed to URB EGG instead of BRUGGE. URB EGG means URBanism in the city of Bruges, the EGG. The logo is based on the logo of the City of Bruges. The playful reflection will be recognizable for the locals, but also appeals.


Triennial's tip. Buy the walking guide at all of the information points in the city. Use it to complete your walk through the city.

More info >


During the Triennial the city logo is changed to URB EGG instead of BRUGGE. URB EGG means URBanism in the city of Bruges, the EGG. The logo is based on the logo of the City of Bruges. The playful reflection will be recognizable for the locals, but also appeals.


The 2015 Contemporary Art and Architecture Triennial of Bruges is an initiative by the City of Bruges, organised by Brugge Plus in association with Musea Brugge and Bruges Cultural Centre.

Discover the artists