Inspired by triennial

Dementie-tsunami in Brugge!


- Lecture

Imagine that 5 million visitors stayed to live in Bruges and they serve as a representative portion of an average population. Then this means that together with the people with dementia that already live there, Bruges would have approximately 80,000 people with dementia. How can we achieve a dementia-friendly city in such a metropolitan context?

A few ideas from Foton’s current experiences with the “Samen voor een dementievriendelijk Brugge!” (Working together towards a dementia-friendly Brugge) project.

Speaker: Bart Deltour, Director of Foton, a charity dedicated to promoting specialised dementia care, support and awareness across Bruges


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Essential Info

Dementie-tsunami in Brugge!
Pakhuizen Event

17.09 - 17.09.2015


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