Selected by the triennial



- Artist Village

Art platform Warp from Sint-Niklaas is organising the fourth edition of the international artist village, from 10 August to 16 August, together with the 2015 Bruges Triennial.

A temporary village is built in the nomadic ambiance of the Pakhuizen site, where young, talented artists from around the world can come together and open up a dialogue with renowned professionals from the international art scene. Approximately 20 up-and-coming artists were selected and are provided with intensive feedback regarding their body of work through personal discussions throughout the entire week. The artist village becomes an important stepping stone in the further development of the participating artists’ artistic careers through the intrinsic focus, critical reflection and varied connections. At the same time, they get to know the local art scene and often include elements of this in their later pieces.

Equally important are the informal connections, the shared meals and the open evening programme, which includes readings, Q&A sessions, film screenings, and concerts, and will end on Saturday evening, 15 August, with a massive vintage disco party.
The evening events are free for the general public but registration is required (

For more info about the artist village and how you can take part in the evening events, please visit
All activities start at 8 pm, Site DuPont. Only Warp Art Party starts at 10 pm and will be held at Factor Club (Kraanplein 6).

Selected artists

Katja Aufleger (Germany), Lalitha Bandaru (India), Daniel Cabral (Brazil), Enneboi (Italy), Doireann Ni Ghrioghair (Ireland), Karin Ferrari (Austria), Fokus Grupa (Croatia), Pille-Riin Jaik (Estonia), Koyuki Kazahaya (Japan), Linda Lenssen (the Netherlands), Kevin Reynaert (Belgium), Evelin Saul (Estonia), Li Seph (China), Pierre Spencer (France), Emilie St.Hilaire (Canada), Maria Tsagkari (Greece), Hanne Van Dijck (Belgium), Willem Vermeersch (Belgium), Suzanne Walsh (Ireland), Arnold Wittenberg (Belgium), Rahee Yoon (Korea), David Yu (Canada).


Essential Info

Pakhuizen Event

10.08 - 16.08.2015



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